Tag Archives: patriots

The Counter-Revolution of 2010

“…whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
~Declaration of Independence

The year 2009 in America marked the beginning of a counter-revolution against the 100-year revolution launched by the socialists during the progressive era. After a century of creeping socialism and dwindling liberty, the American people have finally had enough.  They are expressing themselves in a “grassroots” patriot uprising unmatched in modern American history.  The 2010 counter-revolution is not taking place with guns and bullets, but with signs, e-mails, faxes, and telephones. It is taking place in the cities and towns of America, not with rioting and violence, but with peaceful patriot protests at town hall meetings, tea parties, and at the polls in one election after another.

There is no doubt the patriots are winning. However, there is a chance that they will also  succeed in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. How?  By splitting into competing factions and allowing their leaders to do their thinking for them.  In the quote above from the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson reminds us that it is “the right of the people” to abolish or alter their government and to reorganize it “as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness”.

The genius of America is its system of self-government.  Our system differs from the systems used elsewhere in the People’s Republics of Socialistic Fantasylands.  Here, the system works when citizens, knowlegable in our founding principles, thinking for themselves, and following the dictates of their own informed self-interest, demand of those to whom they have delegated the responsibility of managing the affairs of government, that they stay true to the job description set forth in our governing plan, the Constitution. The system breaks down when we begin to form into factions and start blindly following the dictates of our leaders.

The “Tea Party Movement” (I prefer to call it a Patriot Movement) is a true spontaneous, grassroots movement.  That is the basis of its strength. As with any mass movement, there will be those who, for monetary or egoistic reasons, attempt to “get in front of the parade” and declare themselves “leader”. George Washington warned us of this tendency in political affairs in his Farewell Address.

There is strength in numbers; therefore, membership is valuable to any organization.  However, when organizations become too big they sometimes loose sight of their purpose and begin to view their sister organizations as competitors rather than fellow laborers in a common cause; the membership becomes complacent and depends on others to “carry the load”. Occasionally leaders of these groups, in their quest for fame and power, will demonize their competitors in order to build their own membership and discourage others.

We are starting to see patriot groups coalescing into national organizations. There is even some talk about becoming a third party and fielding candidates in competition with the established parties. If we go down that road we stand to lose our effectiveness as opposition groups and strengthen the influence of those who wish to destroy our historical system of government and take away our liberty. It is up to each of us as individuals to maintain our own independence of thought and conscience as we work cooperatively with other patriots to take back our party and our country.


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It's Time For Another Revolution

The Senate Passed the 2,000 page healthcare bill at one a.m. Sunday morning; this in spite of the overwhelming opposition of voters.  Obviously, we no longer have a representative government.  The rallying cry for the patriots in 1775 was “no taxation without representation”.  This bill will add millions of dollars in new taxation without “representation“.  It is time for today’s patriots to ban together and launch a new revolution.  We have the weapon, and we have the ammunition.

Our weapon is the Constitution and our ammunition is the vote.  It is time  American citizens stop participating in the corruption that has permeated every facet of our political system.  When Senators like Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) or Mary Landrieu (D-La.) are bought off with gratuitous federal spending in their states in order to secure votes, it cannot be called anything else but corruption.  At the same time we voters can no longer ignore our own participation in this corruption by consistently, in election after election, voting for the Congressman or Senator who “brings home the bacon”. We are indeed selling our heritage for bowls of porridge. It is time to stop the wholesale destruction of our Constitution and way of life.

That can only be done by “we the people“.  It should be obvious by now that we cannot depend on our elected officials and we cannot depend on the Supreme Court to protect the Constitution.  Its only real defenders are the patriotic voters of America.  The only way to succeed in returning to a constitutional government is to vote out of office elected officials who do not honor their oath of office to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and Domestic” and replace them with someone who will.

A month ago, we launched a new grassroots organization to do just that, the Illinois Conservative Action Network (ICAN).  ICAN differs from other groups in that its focus is directed solely to reestablishing the Constitution to its rightful place as the final authority in determining how far the government can go in directing our lives and infringing on our liberty.  We are not tax exempt therefore; we can openly target individual elected officials for defeat, ridding our government of those who habitually and consistently violate their oath of office.  At the same time we can openly campaign for candidates who will honor their oath.  We are not a third party; therefore, we can participate in the primary elections of major parties where the real change must take place.  By the time the general election comes around it is often too late to make much difference.

We and our membership, supports most conservative grassroot organizations like those involved in the fiscally conservative Tea Party Movement, and the socially conservative right-to-life organizations, we also support many of the 501(c)(3) organizations like the Heritage Foundation—our favorite—, Open Secrets and others.  Without government or party restrictions, our membership can participate in election campaigns for or against any candidate from any party. We seek to fill an important nitch that has been sorely neglected for too long.

We presently view our immediate tasks as (1) helping conservatives take back the Republican Party that has historically been their home, (2) educating citizens and elected officials on the requirements of the Constitution and our founding principles. (3) Identifying incumbents who refuse to honor their oath of office and work to defeat them at the polls.

It is our firm belief that when we return the Constitution to its rightful place in government, we will have solved most of the fiscal and social problems that plague us today. We are new and we are growing. You can do your part by adding your name to our membership role.  Elected officials only respect numbers.  The more rapidly our membership grows the quicker we can begin to make a difference.

We are currently developing an on-line, interactive tutorial to help interested citizens better understand the requirements of the Constitution and our founding principles.  Hopefully we can announce its going on line within the next week. We are also working on other tools to help our members take action to stop our headlong rush into socialism and return our country to a constitutional republic.

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